If the meter is around 80% or higher you may be pushing the CPU too hard causing the error message. Go to Window>System Usage and check the CPU usage meter.If you encounter this error message (AAE-9173) try the following: I did a restart and followed the steps provided by Avid below: Although the OS version I'm running is 10.9.2, a lot of the optimizations provided by Avid for 10.8 will do the trick. Then I went ahead and repaired the disk permission of the main OS drive in disk utility. I quit that running task and ran " Clean My Mac". I noticed a few things running that were hanging in the back. I was working in a very CPU heavy session and looked up what was running in the activity monitor on the Mac. After some further online research, I noticed a lot of people saying it is a Pro Tools Update issue. Try de-activating or removing Native plug-ins. I wasn't sure what was causing it exactly but I knew that it was related to CPU power as the error states " Pro Tools ran out of CPU power. I have updated to Pro Tools 11.1.2 and started noticing more of the AAE-9173 errors.